SKE Equipment

A coolship is a type of brewing vessel traditionally used in the production of beer. 


History of Coolship

Hundreds year earlier that not general cooling apparatus like PHX available, Only be able to cooling by naturally, Get the hot unfermented wort put into a broad, open-top, flat vessel in which wort cools. The high surface to volume ratio allows for more efficient cooling. 

Coincidentally a special and unique beer variety was created by this way in among the low hills of the Pajottenland and Zenne valley Belgium. “Lambics”. While their wort sat in the coolship, they wanted it to become a home to the ambient yeast and microflora wafting through the Belgian air. Once full of this wild, unseeable stuff, brewers stuck the beer in barrels for an extended stay—up to three years. This method of fermentation, called “spontaneous fermentation,” produces a beer of singular taste: tart, funky, and unmistakably complex.

SKE Coolship

As name shows its like a vessels for cooling in the brewing industry, It’s interested which word was invented by a brewery based in UAS although it was originally wide side used in the European breweries.

Fermentation most typically takes place in an enclosed environment to prohibit the introduction of bacteria or any other nasty objects from contaminating the liquid and producing any unwanted off-flavors and/or aromas. This is the key to style — specific yeast strains fermenting the wort at a specific temperature. But how was this done before refrigeration was invented to cool the water that goes into the heat exchanger? Especially before anyone understood what yeast even was or did, let alone different strains?
As time passed, brewers learned that larger, more shallow vessels shortened the cooling time due to the maximum surface area being exposed to the open air. The industrial revolution then allowed brewers to make these pans of metal (specifically copper) which drew out the heat much more quickly. They also learned to elevate the bottom above the ground to encourage air flow underneath, further enhancing cooling.This large exposed area served as a giant pool for ambient yeasts, bacteria and other floating critters to jump in, naturally inoculating the wort and beginning spontaneous fermentation. These beers typically turned out quite sour by today’s tastes. This, in essence, is beer’s equivalent of “terroir.”

In brewing with coolships, the confluence of the local water used and all those local critters that jump into that big wort pool determines the unique characteristics of that brewery’s beer.
As the earlier described advances in brewing techniques and technology allowed brewers to control all aspects of fermentation, coolships eventually went the way of the more Disappearance~
Although most people trust that the Lambic region is the only area in the world can product this unique beer, however in fact the the coolship are still serving in all the world in small stream and also create the beers with local and unique tastes.
A key factor in successful spontaneous fermentation is finding a climatological “sweet spot,” where the outside temperature is cool enough to chill the wort to fermentation temperature and kill any unwanted bacteria that can cause spoilage, yet warm enough for any naturally-occurring yeast to survive. This sweet spot, of course, varies by location. Allagash, in Portland, Maine, only brews with coolships in November and December.

coolship brewing

Material: 304 stainless steel
Recommended Capacity: 5, 10, 15, 20,30HL / BBL

Common spec:

1 Fermenter Tray

Tri-clamp drain for easy draining & SS butterfly valves

Inside SS removable Strainer

Individual tray provides contact to oxygen, allowing the aerobic bacteria to metabolize ethanol to acetic acid, sugars to lactic acid, and glucose to gluconic acid

Single wall construction with large surface area allows brewer to maintain optimum fermentation temperature through ambient room temperature

The fermenter tray include a lip around the perimeter to secure cheesecloth or other screening material

Balance of Symbiosis is shifted toward bacteria, reducing overall alcohol production, and yielding better flavor profiles

Overall Dimensions: 100% customized

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