SKE Equipment


Sion Klooster Bier


We brew our beers in the traditional, artisanal way where all natural processes are given time. Klooster Nieuw Sion has traditionally been a farmer’s monastery and even now we prefer to work with grain and hops from the immediate area. What is left over after brewing, the brewer’s grains, goes as animal feed to a farm nearby.

In the monastery we live in the belief that all good things, such as brewing beer, take time. They are natural processes that cannot be rushed. From the grain in the field to the beer in your glass.

We don’t work under pressure, literally. We let the beer ferment in a natural way, without haste. Nothing is forced. Also in the bottle, in the warm room, the beer is given time to re-ferment, after which it matures for a few more weeks. We also do this on wooden barrels, which is called Barrel Aging. For a few months to six months, these barrels lie in the vaulted cellars of the monastery until they are ready. Those are the more exclusive beers that are only available in limited editions a few times a year.

The tradition of the Trappists is honored by us, in many ways. Brouwerij Nieuw Sion is located within the walls of the monastery and we work from the working community of the monastery in the brewery. With the proceeds from the sale of this beer, we keep this unique religious heritage alive and preserved. You can find out more about our monastery,

Performance Spec

  • 7HL 2V brewhouse, Combined of Oversized Mash Lauter, Kettle Whirlpool Tank
  • Steam heating with Fully Automated controls
  • 15HL Cold & Hot Liquor water station
  • 7 & 14HL Cellars with PDF certified

Contact address

Brouwerij Nieuw Sion Vulikerweg 6 7431 PJ Diepenveen

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